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Eyes as Input Output Channel Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Eyes as Input Output Channel multiple choice questions and answers PDF, eyes as input output channel quiz answers to learn HCI worksheet 2 for online mock test. Practice Input Output Channels of HCI quiz with answers, eyes as input output channel Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free eyes as input output channel MCQs, reading, eyes as input output channel test prep for computer information science.

"The photoreceptors of eyes that are been saturated and active by sudden light are called", eyes as input output channel Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices lens, cones, corneas, and rods for online software engineering classes.

Eyes as Input Output Channel Questions and Answers PDF Download 2

Eyes as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: The photoreceptors of eyes that are been saturated and active by sudden light are called

  1. cones
  2. lens
  3. corneas
  4. rods


Reading Quiz

MCQ: The reading speed and accuracy is increased by reading familiar words based on

  1. word shape
  2. word color
  3. word as single letter
  4. word as character by character


Eyes as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: The small region of retina where optic nerve enters the eye is called

  1. fovea
  2. blind spot
  3. ligament
  4. lens


Color perception Quiz

MCQ: The three colors of cone sensitivity for three different types of cones are

  1. blue, green and red
  2. orange, green and red
  3. blue, green and purple
  4. blue, green and white


Eyes as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: The term "physical reception" of stimulus actually describes the

  1. infinite capabilities of human
  2. skills of human vision
  3. unlimited human vision
  4. limitation of human vision