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Size and Depth Perception Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Size and Depth Perception multiple choice questions and answers PDF, size and depth perception quiz answers to learn HCI worksheet 14 for online mock test. Practice Visual Perception quiz with answers, size and depth perception Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free size and depth perception MCQs, what is hci, processing sound, color perception, reading, size and depth perception test prep for bachelor's degree in computer science.

"In human vision system, if two items are placed at same distance then the larger angle will be of", size and depth perception Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices larger object, distant object, shorter object, and less-distant object for computer science bachelor degrees.

Size and Depth Perception Questions and Answers PDF Download 14

Size and Depth Perception Quiz

MCQ: In human vision system, if two items are placed at same distance then the larger angle will be of

  1. distant object
  2. larger object
  3. shorter object
  4. less-distant object


Reading Quiz

MCQ: The speed of reading text in reading process is measured by using

  1. legibility
  2. usability
  3. quality
  4. readability


Color perception Quiz

MCQ: The ratio of brightness of the color is defined as

  1. contrast
  2. saturation
  3. intensity
  4. hue


Processing Sound Quiz

MCQ: The frequency range that can be heared by human ears is

  1. 200 Hz to 150 kHz
  2. 20 Hz to 15 kHz
  3. 10 Hz to 15 kHz
  4. 10 Hz to 05 kHz


What is HCI Quiz

MCQ: The design of a system must be developed

  1. integrally with each part of system
  2. at the end
  3. at the start
  4. never