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DBMS Notes and Technology Articles

SQL Data Definition and Types Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice SQL Data Definition and Types trivia questions and answers, sql data definition and types quiz answers PDF to solve DBMS mock test 105 for online degrees. Practice Schema Definition, Constraints, Queries and Views trivia questions and answers, sql data definition and types Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online university degrees. Free sql data definition and types MCQs, disk file records, introduction to query processing, ordered records, conceptual database design, sql data definition and types test prep for CS major.

"If the concatenation operator is applied to two strings such as [ 'ABCD' || 'wxyz' ] then the resultant string will be", sql data definition and types Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices wxyzabcd, awbxcydz, abcdwxyz, and abcd+wxyz to learn online certification courses. Learn schema definition, constraints, queries and views questions and answers with free online certification courses for online college classes.

Quiz on SQL Data Definition & Types PDF Download eBook

SQL Data Definition and Types Quiz

MCQ: If the concatenation operator is applied to two strings such as [ 'ABCD' || 'wxyz' ] then the resultant string will be

  1. AwBxCyDz
  2. wxyzABCD
  3. ABCDwxyz
  4. ABCD+wxyz


Conceptual Database Design Quiz

MCQ: The strategy in which few high level entity types splitted into low level entity types is classified as

  1. top down strategy
  2. bottom up strategy
  3. inside out strategy
  4. mixed strategy


Ordered Records Quiz

MCQ: The temporary unordered file is also called

  1. overflow file
  2. heap file
  3. sequential file
  4. spanned file


Introduction to Query Processing Quiz

MCQ: The representation of the queries in the form of data structure graph is classified as

  1. scanner tree
  2. parser tree
  3. query graph
  4. query tree


Disk File Records Quiz

MCQ: In high level programs, the command which is used to copy the current record from buffer to variable of user program is classified as

  1. read command
  2. find next command
  3. modify command
  4. insert command