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Database Languages Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 426

Learn Database languages mock test for exam, database languages MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 426 for online job interview. Practice Introduction to DBMS Trivia Questions and answers, database languages Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free database languages MCQs, concurrent transactions, sql data types and schemas, database languages test prep for computer information science.

"Database systems implement constraints that can be tested with minimal overhead, known as", database languages Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices declaration constraints, integrity constraints, consistency constraints, and definition constraints for online certificate programs. Learn introduction to dbms questions and answers with free online certification courses for free online classes.

Trivia Quiz on Database Languages PDF Download eBook

Database Languages Quiz

MCQ: Database systems implement constraints that can be tested with minimal overhead, known as

  1. Integrity Constraints
  2. Declaration Constraints
  3. Consistency Constraints
  4. Definition Constraints


SQL Data Types and Schemas Quiz

MCQ: We can drop schemas by means of

  1. Drop schema
  2. Define schema
  3. Delete schema
  4. Alter schema


Concurrent Transactions Quiz

MCQ: If a transaction manages to persist the database modifications despite of the system failures, it defines the

  1. Consistency
  2. Reliability
  3. Durability
  4. Quality


Database Languages Quiz

MCQ: The authorization type which allows deletion of data, Is known as

  1. Insert Authorization
  2. Delete Authorization
  3. Read Authorization
  4. Update Authorization


Failure Classification in DBMS Quiz

MCQ: Occurrence of deadlock is an example of

  1. Application error
  2. System crash
  3. Logical error
  4. System error