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Nested Subqueries Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 165

Learn Nested subqueries mock test for exam, nested subqueries MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 165 for online job interview. Practice Introduction to SQL Trivia Questions and answers, nested subqueries Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free nested subqueries MCQs, view of data, relational algebra, aggregate functions, database design, nested subqueries test prep for online bachelor's degree computer science.

"In a set, the NOT IN connective tests for the", nested subqueries Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices absence of set differences, set differences, data set membership, and absence of set membership to study SQL certification courses. Learn introduction to sql questions and answers with free online certification courses for computer majors.

Trivia Quiz on Nested Subqueries PDF Download eBook

Nested Subqueries Quiz

MCQ: In a set, the NOT IN connective tests for the

  1. Set differences
  2. Absence of set differences
  3. Data set membership
  4. Absence of set membership


Database Design Quiz

MCQ: Users describe the kinds of operations that will be performed on the data, on the specification of

  1. Data Requirements
  2. Data Gathering
  3. Procedural Requirements
  4. Functional requirements


Aggregate Functions Quiz

MCQ: To count the number of tuples in a relation, the aggregate function to be used is

  1. Avg
  2. Min
  3. Count
  4. Sum


Relational Algebra Quiz

MCQ: A special case of multisets, which have only one copy of each element, is known to be

  1. Sets
  2. Elements
  3. Associator
  4. Aggregator


View of Data Quiz

MCQ: In entity relationship model, the basic objects are known as

  1. Instances
  2. Entries
  3. Nodes
  4. Entities