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Presentation Slides Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 57

Learn Presentation slides mock test for exam, presentation slides MCQ with answers pdf to solve computer basics test 57 for online job interview. Practice Application Softwares Trivia Questions and answers, presentation slides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free presentation slides MCQs, microcomputer processor, computer buses, internet addresses, spreadsheet program cells, presentation slides test prep for free online classes.

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Trivia Quiz on Presentation Slides PDF Download eBook

Presentation Slides Quiz

MCQ: Steps involves between Start and Finish in AutoContent Wizard are

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6


Spreadsheet Program Cells Quiz

MCQ: Cell in a computer spreadsheet that contain a formula or function will show

  1. formula or function
  2. cell's address
  3. resulting display value
  4. range


Internet Addresses Quiz

MCQ: Services on the internet includes

  1. World Wide Web
  2. FTP
  3. email
  4. all of these


Computer Buses Quiz

MCQ: Bus which used to connect the monitor to the CPU is

  1. PCI bus
  2. SCSI bus
  3. memory bus
  4. rambus


Microcomputer Processor Quiz

MCQ: Multiple processor systems that are required to have an even number of processors are said to be

  1. symmetric multiple processors
  2. even multiple processors
  3. balanced multiple processors
  4. distributed multiple processors