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Microcomputer Processor Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 15

Learn Microcomputer processor mock test for exam, microcomputer processor MCQ with answers pdf to solve computer basics test 15 for online job interview. Practice Processing Data Trivia Questions and answers, microcomputer processor Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free microcomputer processor MCQs, optical input devices, windows xp, operating system basics, standard computer ports, microcomputer processor test prep for 2 year computer science degree.

"All of the following are vectored interrupt except", microcomputer processor Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices intr, trap, rst 7.5, and rst 3 to study computer engineering courses. Learn processing data questions and answers with free online certification courses for computer and information science.

Trivia Quiz on Microcomputer Processor PDF Download eBook

Microcomputer Processor Quiz

MCQ: All of the following are vectored interrupt except

  1. TRAP
  2. INTR
  3. RST 7.5
  4. RST 3


Standard Computer Ports Quiz

MCQ: Mode of transmission of data, where one bit is sent for each clock cycle is

  1. asynchronous
  2. parallel
  3. serial
  4. isochronous


Operating System Basics Quiz

MCQ: The problem of priority inversion can be solved by

  1. priority inheritance protocol
  2. priority inversion protocol
  3. priority intended protocol
  4. priority integrated protocol


Windows XP Quiz

MCQ: A window which is displayed whenever the program requires additional information from you is called

  1. film strip
  2. menu bar
  3. dialog box
  4. drop down menu


Optical Input Devices Quiz

MCQ: Computer instructions written with the use of English words instead of binary machine code is called

  1. mnemonics
  2. symbolic code
  3. gray codes
  4. opcode