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Computer Architecture Practice Test 96

Role of Compilers Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 96

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Role of Compilers Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 96

MCQ 476: The protocols for maintaining the coherence of multiple processors are known as

A) data coherence protocols
B) commit coherence protocols
C) recurrence
D) cache coherence protocols

MCQ 477: The two partitions must be insulated to prevent operations on one half from affecting the other, such floating-point operations are called

A) single-instruction operation
B) vector operation
C) paired single operations
D) fetch operation

MCQ 478: Compilers usually choose which procedure calls has to be expanded inline before knowing the size of the procedure, that is being called, the stated problem is known as

A) caller saving
B) callee saving
C) phase-ordering problem
D) all above

MCQ 479: Grouping the 16 functional units into four groups and supplying a set of buses, called

A) resuming
B) data trunks
C) control trunks
D) deeper pipelining

MCQ 480: The sum of entry time, system response time and think the time is known as

A) transaction time
B) latency
C) clock rate
D) hit delay

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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Role of Compilers App (Android & iOS)

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