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Major Hurdle of Pipelining Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 101

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Major Hurdle of Pipelining Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 101

MCQ 501: MISD data stream is the abbreviation of

  1. multiple instruction single data stream
  2. multiple instruction streams, single data stream
  3. multiple instruction streams, data stream
  4. many instruction streams, single data stream

MCQ 502: The average arrival rate of new tasks and the average time to perform a task is

  1. mean number of tasks in system = arrival rate / mean response time
  2. mean number of tasks in system = arrival rate + mean response time
  3. mean number of tasks in system = arrival rate - mean response time
  4. mean number of tasks in system = arrival rate * mean response time

MCQ 503: When all instructions take the same number of cycles, which must also equal the number of pipeline stages the process is known as

  1. pipe stage
  2. stalling the pipeline
  3. depth of the pipeline
  4. stalling

MCQ 504: Physical memory is divided into sets of finite size called as

  1. frames
  2. pages
  3. blocks
  4. vectors

MCQ 505: When generating physical addresses from a logical address the offset is stored in

  1. translation look-aside buffer
  2. relocation register
  3. page table
  4. shift register

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