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Advanced Topics in C Sharp Practice Test PDF Download eBook - 36

Practice Advanced Topics in C Sharp mock test for exam, advanced topics in c sharp MCQ with answers PDF to solve app development worksheet 36 for online past papers exam. Practice Advanced Topics in C# trivia questions and answers, advanced topics in c sharp Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve c sharp test with answers for online information technology degree. Free advanced topics in c sharp MCQs, MCQs, more about c#, advanced topics in c sharp test prep for programming certifications.

"In C# a class member declared protected becomes member of subclass of type", advanced topics in c sharp Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices private member, public member, protected member, and static member for online degree programs. Learn advanced topics in c# questions and answers with free online certification courses for IT certifications.

Trivia Quiz on Advanced Topics in C Sharp PDF Download eBook 36

Advanced Topics in C Sharp Quiz

MCQ: In C# a class member declared protected becomes member of subclass of type

  1. public member
  2. private member
  3. protected member
  4. static member


More about C# Quiz

MCQ: What sort of applications can be developed using C#

  1. Windows applications
  2. Web applications
  3. Web services
  4. a,b and c


Advanced Topics in C Sharp Quiz

MCQ: The method called by clients of a class to explicitly release any resources like network, connection and open files when the object is no longer required is called

  1. finalize()
  2. end()
  3. dispose()
  4. close()


Advanced Topics in C Sharp Quiz

MCQ: To implement a specified .NET Framework interface which directive is used

  1. @Register'
  2. @Control'
  3. @Reference'
  4. @Implements'


String Quiz

MCQ: Choose the correct statement

  1. String is a value type
  2. String literals can contain any character literal including escape sequences.
  3. Attempting to access a character that is outside the bounds of the string results in an IndexOutOfRa
  4. Both a and b