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Transport in Animals Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Transport in Animals quiz questions, transport in animals multiple choice questions and answers PDF 62 to learn biology course for online certification. Practice Transport Biology quiz with answers, transport in animals Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for online college degrees. Free transport in animals MCQs, lipids, animals reproduction, biology: central nervous system, hormones, transport in animals test prep for online college classes.

"Oxygenated blood is never received by the heart of", transport in animals Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with choices fish, frog, reptiles, and arthropods to learn e-learning courses. Learn transport biology questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for best SAT prep courses online. Transport in Animals Video

Transport in Animals Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Transport in Animals Quiz

MCQ: Oxygenated blood is never received by the heart of

  1. frog
  2. fish
  3. reptiles
  4. arthropods


Hormones Quiz

MCQ: Hormone production is a function related to

  1. hypothalamus
  2. pons
  3. hippocampus
  4. medulla


Biology: Central Nervous System Quiz

MCQ: Messages from the central nervous system to effector is transferred through

  1. sensory neurons
  2. motor neurons
  3. relay neurons
  4. associative neurons


Animals Reproduction Quiz

MCQ: Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) stimulates the development of

  1. several primary follicles
  2. several interstitial cells
  3. oocytes
  4. ovum


Lipids Quiz

MCQ: Lipids which are fats and oils are lighter than water, therefore, have a specific gravity of about

  1. 0.6
  2. 0.8
  3. 0.9
  4. 0.1