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Heart Beat Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Heart Beat trivia questions and answers, heart beat quiz answers PDF 246 to practice biology exam questions for online classes. Practice Coordination and Control trivia questions and answers, heart beat Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for online college degrees. Free heart beat MCQs, human skeleton, platyhelminthes, heterotrophic nutrition, importance of fungi, heart beat test prep for best ACT prep courses online.

"Pupil dilation, digestion, and acceleration of heartbeat is done by", heart beat Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with choices autonomic nervous system, somatic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, and para-sympathetic nervous system to study distance learning courses. Learn coordination and control questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for colleges that offer online classes. Heart Beat Video

Trivia Quiz on Heart Beat PDF Download eBook

Heart Beat Quiz

MCQ: Pupil dilation, digestion, and acceleration of heartbeat is done by

  1. somatic nervous system
  2. autonomic nervous system
  3. sympathetic nervous system
  4. para-sympathetic nervous system


Importance of Fungi Quiz

MCQ: Nervous spasm, convulsion, and psychotic delusion is a result of swallowing ergot-contaminated flour, this disease is known as

  1. histoplasmosis
  2. ergotism
  3. monogolism
  4. plasmolysis


Heterotrophic Nutrition Quiz

MCQ: The example of filter feeder plant is

  1. mussel
  2. aphids
  3. hydra
  4. mosquito


Platyhelminthes Quiz

MCQ: The sexual reproducing Platyhelminthes consists of both male and female organ on the same individual, hence called

  1. hermaphrodites
  2. homodites
  3. hetrodites
  4. homophrodites


Human skeleton Quiz

MCQ: Coxal bone is composed of which of the following?

  1. ilium
  2. ischium
  3. pubis
  4. all of above