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Government can sometime improves market outcomes Questions and Answers PDF Download 75

Practice Government can sometime improves market outcomes trivia questions and answers, government can sometime improves market outcomes quiz answers PDF to solve economics mock test 75 for online degrees. Practice Ten Principles of Economics trivia questions and answers, government can sometime improves market outcomes multiple choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) to solve government can sometime improves market outcomes test with answers for online university degrees. Free government can sometime improves market outcomes MCQs, import quota, factor intensity, factor abundance, and shape of frontier curve, government can sometime improves market outcomes test prep for bachelor's degree in business.

"The relationship between productivity and policy makers are", government can sometime improves market outcomes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices no relationship, inversely related, positively related, and slightly related to study online certification courses. Learn ten principles of economics questions and answers with free online certification courses for online BBA degree.

Trivia Quiz on Government can sometime improves market outcomes PDF Download 75

Government can sometime improves market outcomes Quiz

MCQ: The relationship between productivity and policy makers are

  1. inversely related
  2. no relationship
  3. positively related
  4. slightly related


Factor Intensity, Factor Abundance, & Shape of Frontier Curve Quiz

MCQ: The concept that relates a country with a higher capital-per worker has a lower capital/labor ratio in exports than in imports is known as

  1. factor endowment
  2. factor intensity
  3. factor abundance
  4. Leontief paradox


Import Quota Quiz

MCQ: When there is continuous negative trade balance and local currency rapidly losing its values, then the government levies

  1. export quota
  2. import quota
  3. ad valorem tariff
  4. specific rate


Government can sometime improves market outcomes Quiz

MCQ: Taxes discourages prices as well the decisions that are being made by

  1. households
  2. sellers
  3. buyers
  4. central planners


Mercantilist's View on Trade Quiz

MCQ: The curve that shows the maximum possible output combinations of two goods or services an economy can achieve when all resources are fully and efficiently employed is known as

  1. isoquant
  2. indifference curve
  3. gains from trade
  4. production possibility curve