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Tylor's Contributions to the study of Primitive Religion Questions and Answers PDF Download 3

Practice Tylor's Contributions to the study of Primitive Religion trivia questions and answers, tylor's contributions to the study of primitive religion quiz answers PDF to solve human diversity mock test 3 for online degrees. Practice An Introduction to Anthropological Thought trivia questions and answers, tylor's contributions to the study of primitive religion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for online master degree programs. Free tylor's contributions to the study of primitive religion MCQs, postcolonial studies, art, society and culture, reciprocity, village head, tylor's contributions to the study of primitive religion test prep for online certificate programs.

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Trivia Quiz on Tylor's Contributions to the study of Primitive Religion PDF Download 3

Tylor's Contributions to the study of Primitive Religion Quiz

MCQ: Marxist who challenged the humanist theory of Marxism and asserted its structuralist interpretation is called as

  1. Max
  2. Jurgan Habermas
  3. Louis
  4. Karl Marx


Village Head Quiz

MCQ: The big man is a temporary regional regulator big man can mobilize supporters in several villages and

  1. Family lineage
  2. Descent groups
  3. Segmentary lineage
  4. Affinals


Reciprocity Quiz

MCQ: In economic anthropology, when exchange between social equals, who are normally related to kinship, marriage or another close personal tie is called

  1. Reciprocity
  2. Exchange of gifts
  3. Market distribution
  4. Redistribution


Art, Society and Culture Quiz

MCQ: The comparative study of the music's of the world and of music as an aspects of culture and society is called as

  1. Ethnomusicology
  2. Folk
  3. Singing
  4. All of the above


Postcolonial Studies Quiz

MCQ: Postcolonialism' - spelled without the hyphen - is used to suggest what?

  1. That the entire world is now in the post-colonial era
  2. That the global south alone is now in the post-colonial era
  3. That post-colonialism, spelled with a hyphen, is a concept only applicable to those countries that e
  4. That there was a grammatical error in the earlier spelling