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Internal Resistance Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Internal Resistance quiz questions, internal resistance multiple choice questions and answers PDF 2 to learn online A level physics course for college certification. Practice Physics Problems AS Level quiz with answers, internal resistance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free internal resistance MCQs, resistance and temperature, decay graphs, energy changes, metal density, internal resistance test prep for colleges offering online degree programs.

"Terminal potential difference of battery depends on", internal resistance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices temperature, current, and resistance of external resistor to learn online classes courses. Learn physics problems as level questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for 2 year online degrees.

Internal Resistance Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Internal Resistance Quiz

MCQ: Terminal potential difference of battery depends on

  1. current
  2. temperature
  3. both A and B
  4. resistance of external resistor


Metal Density Quiz

MCQ: Density of water in kg m-3 is

  1. 1000
  2. 100
  3. 10 000
  4. 4000


Energy Changes Quiz

MCQ: As the object gains speed, it's G.P.E (Gravitational Potential Energy)

  1. increases
  2. remains constant
  3. decreases
  4. varies depending on altitude


Decay Graphs Quiz

MCQ: Activity is proportional to number of

  1. daughter nuclei
  2. decayed nuclei
  3. undecayed nuclei
  4. father nuclei


Resistance and Temperature Quiz

MCQ: A filament lamp is

  1. Ohmic
  2. non-Ohmic
  3. low resistive
  4. non glowing