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Cells and Batteries Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Cells and Batteries quiz questions, cells and batteries multiple choice questions and answers PDF 287 to learn online A level chemistry course for college certification. Practice Electrode Potential quiz with answers, cells and batteries Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free cells and batteries MCQs, electrolysis technique, relative stability of oxidation states, enthalpy changes in solution, what is transition element, cells and batteries test prep for schools that offer online bachelor degrees.

"The ordinary dry cells are used in", cells and batteries Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices torches only, toys only, car, and toys and torches to learn IGCSE certificate courses. Learn electrode potential questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for GRE prep classes.

Cells and Batteries Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Cells and Batteries Quiz

MCQ: The ordinary dry cells are used in

  1. toys only
  2. torches only
  3. car
  4. toys and torches


What is Transition Element Quiz

MCQ: Higher oxidation states are generally found in compounds of

  1. oxygen and fluorine
  2. carbon and oxygen
  3. nitrogen and carbon
  4. oxygen and hydrogen


Enthalpy Changes in Solution Quiz

MCQ: Lead carbonate (PbCO3) only dissolves 0.00017g in dm3 of water, hence it is regarded as

  1. soluble
  2. insoluble
  3. partially soluble
  4. partially insoluble


Relative Stability of Oxidation States Quiz

MCQ: The relative stability of oxidation states +2 and +4 decreases

  1. down the group
  2. across the period
  3. up the group
  4. diagonally


Electrolysis Technique Quiz

MCQ: Michal Faraday coined the words

  1. anode only
  2. cathode only
  3. electrode
  4. anode and cathode