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Reactions of Group II Elements Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Reactions of Group II Elements quiz questions, reactions of group ii elements multiple choice questions and answers PDF 218 to learn online A level chemistry course for college certification. Practice Groups II and VII quiz with answers, reactions of group ii elements Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free reactions of group ii elements MCQs, catalysis, bond energies and enthalpies, quantitative electrolysis, bonding energy in chemistry, reactions of group ii elements test prep for SAT test.

"The Group-II metals form", reactions of group ii elements Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices covalent bonds, ionic bonds, metallic bonds, and diatic bonds to learn online classes courses. Learn groups ii and vii questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online college bachelor degree.

Reactions of Group II Elements Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Reactions of Group II Elements Quiz

MCQ: The Group-II metals form

  1. Ionic bonds
  2. Covalent bonds
  3. Metallic bonds
  4. Diatic bonds


Bonding Energy in Chemistry Quiz

MCQ: The bond energy of the C=C bond is

  1. 350 kJ/mol
  2. 610kJ/mol
  3. 360kJ/mol
  4. 740kJ/mol


Quantitative Electrolysis Quiz

MCQ: 1 faraday is equal to

  1. 96500 °C
  2. 12700 °C
  3. 987690 °C
  4. 96000 °C


Bond Energies and Enthalpies Quiz

MCQ: Enthalpy changes are due to

  1. breaking bonds only
  2. forming bonds only
  3. ionic bonds
  4. braking and forming bonds


Catalysis Quiz

MCQ: By lowering activation energy the mixture will have sufficient energy to

  1. reduced
  2. react
  3. produce
  4. act