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Reaction of Sodium and Magnesium with water Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Reaction of Sodium and Magnesium with water quiz questions, reaction of sodium and magnesium with water multiple choice questions and answers PDF 197 to learn online A level chemistry course for college certification. Practice Periodicity quiz with answers, reaction of sodium and magnesium with water Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free reaction of sodium and magnesium with water MCQs, amines, oxides of period 3 elements, equilibrium and solubility, number of nucleons, reaction of sodium and magnesium with water test prep for best online GRE prep class.

"When allowed to react with cold water, the element that reacts vigorously to produce H2(g) is", reaction of sodium and magnesium with water Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices mg(s), na(s), al(s), and ca(s) to study online college courses. Learn periodicity questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for best accredited online colleges.

Reaction of Sodium & Magnesium with water Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Reaction of Sodium and Magnesium with water Quiz

MCQ: When allowed to react with cold water, the element that reacts vigorously to produce H2(g) is

  1. Na(s)
  2. Mg(s)
  3. Al(s)
  4. Ca(s)


Number of Nucleons Quiz

MCQ: The number of atoms in the same element has the same number of

  1. protons
  2. electrons
  3. neutrons
  4. none of above


Equilibrium and Solubility Quiz

MCQ: Sodium Stearate is the main component of

  1. plastic
  2. soap
  3. detergent
  4. none of above


Oxides of Period 3 Elements Quiz

MCQ: In Phosphoric acid H3PO4, the oxidation state of Phosphorus is

  1. +1
  2. +3
  3. +5
  4. +7


Amines Quiz

MCQ: Some primary amines do not have NH2 group at the end and are indicated by

  1. numbering
  2. alphabets
  3. roman letters
  4. Greek letters