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Tunica externa Tunica media and Intima Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Tunica externa Tunica media and Intima trivia questions and answers, tunica externa tunica media and intima quiz answers PDF 6 to practice A level biology exam questions for online classes. Practice Mammalian Transport System trivia questions and answers, tunica externa tunica media and intima Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free tunica externa, tunica media and intima MCQs, plant growth regulators and hormones, molecular biology and biochemistry, a level biology, cardiovascular system, arteries and veins, tunica externa, tunica media and intima test prep for ACT test.

"Smooth muscles do not found in", tunica externa tunica media and intima Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices tunica externa, tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica medium to study online training courses. Learn mammalian transport system questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for SAT test prep classes.

Trivia Quiz on Tunica externa Tunica media & Intima PDF Download eBook

Tunica externa, Tunica media and Intima Quiz

MCQ: Smooth muscles do not found in

  1. tunica intima
  2. tunica externa
  3. tunica media
  4. tunica medium


Cardiovascular System, Arteries and Veins Quiz

MCQ: In mammals, blood flows from the left ventricle into the

  1. superior vena cava
  2. inferior vena cava
  3. lungs
  4. aorta


A Level Biology Quiz

MCQ: The thickest part in the three layers of arteries, is

  1. tunica intima
  2. tunica externa
  3. tunica media
  4. tunica medium


Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Quiz

MCQ: Polymers do not include which of the following?

  1. lipids
  2. amino acid
  3. peptides
  4. proteins


Plant Growth Regulators and hormones Quiz

MCQ: Environmental changes show sudden responses in plants like

  1. development of thorns
  2. loss of leaves
  3. closing of stomata
  4. growth in shoot apex